A cozy, magical scene featuring Santa's sleigh parked on a snow-covered rooftop under a starry night sky. The sleigh, adorned with intricate gold and red details, is filled with colorful wrapped gifts and has reindeer resting nearby, their bells softly jingling. Snowflakes gently fall around the scene, and the soft glow of a distant moon reflects on the glistening snow, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that captures the spirit of Christmas.

AI Photo

A cozy, magical scene featuring Santa's sleigh parked on a snow-covered rooftop under a starry night sky. The sleigh, adorned with intricate gold and red details, is filled with colorful wrapped gifts and has reindeer resting nearby, their bells softly jingling. Snowflakes gently fall around the scene, and the soft glow of a distant moon reflects on the glistening snow, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that captures the spirit of Christmas.