Create an enchanting scene in a vibrant fairy tale kingdom, featuring a castle with shimmering towers surrounded by lush gardens and sparkling fountains. In the foreground, a group of beloved Disney characters—Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, and Simba—are joyfully interacting, each wearing their signature outfits. The sky is a brilliant blue with fluffy white clouds, and colorful butterflies flutter around, while in the background, a rainbow arcs over the landscape, adding a magical touch to the atmosphere.

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Create an enchanting scene in a vibrant fairy tale kingdom, featuring a castle with shimmering towers surrounded by lush gardens and sparkling fountains. In the foreground, a group of beloved Disney characters—Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, and Simba—are joyfully interacting, each wearing their signature outfits. The sky is a brilliant blue with fluffy white clouds, and colorful butterflies flutter around, while in the background, a rainbow arcs over the landscape, adding a magical touch to the atmosphere.