A vibrant cartoon scene celebrating Holi, featuring joyful children of various ethnic backgrounds throwing bright colored powders in the air. The background is filled with a picturesque village setting, decorated with colorful banners and lights. One child holds a water gun filled with colored water, while another is laughing, smeared with gulal on their face. Trees in the background are blooming with flowers, and the sky is a brilliant blue, enhancing the festive atmosphere. The overall feel is playful, cheerful, and full of life, embodying the spirit of the festival of colors.

AI Photo

A vibrant cartoon scene celebrating Holi, featuring joyful children of various ethnic backgrounds throwing bright colored powders in the air. The background is filled with a picturesque village setting, decorated with colorful banners and lights. One child holds a water gun filled with colored water, while another is laughing, smeared with gulal on their face. Trees in the background are blooming with flowers, and the sky is a brilliant blue, enhancing the festive atmosphere. The overall feel is playful, cheerful, and full of life, embodying the spirit of the festival of colors.