A sprawling metropolis set amidst a suspended hovering island, atop a series of interconnected, aerodynamic skyscrapers that stretch toward the sky like metallic tentacles, with neon-lit pathways and holographic advertisements swirling above the city like a mesmerizing aurora, as the city's inhabitants move through a seemingly endless vortex of teleportation pods and gravity-defying transportation systems, against a backdrop of a swirling, perpetual sunset.,hyperrealistic,

AI Photo

A sprawling metropolis set amidst a suspended hovering island, atop a series of interconnected, aerodynamic skyscrapers that stretch toward the sky like metallic tentacles, with neon-lit pathways and holographic advertisements swirling above the city like a mesmerizing aurora, as the city's inhabitants move through a seemingly endless vortex of teleportation pods and gravity-defying transportation systems, against a backdrop of a swirling, perpetual sunset.,hyperrealistic,