A lavish bouquet featuring an opulent arrangement of deep red roses, white peonies, and delicate orchids, surrounded by lush greenery, all elegantly tied with a satin gold ribbon. The bouquet is set against a soft, blurred background of a luxurious velvet fabric in a rich jewel tone, with soft, diffused lighting that highlights the intricate textures of the flowers. Sparkling crystal accents are artfully scattered around the bouquet, enhancing the feeling of glamour and sophistication.

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A lavish bouquet featuring an opulent arrangement of deep red roses, white peonies, and delicate orchids, surrounded by lush greenery, all elegantly tied with a satin gold ribbon. The bouquet is set against a soft, blurred background of a luxurious velvet fabric in a rich jewel tone, with soft, diffused lighting that highlights the intricate textures of the flowers. Sparkling crystal accents are artfully scattered around the bouquet, enhancing the feeling of glamour and sophistication.