A vibrant anime scene featuring a diverse group of five original characters: a spirited girl with long, flowing pink hair and a magical wand, a cool boy with spiky blue hair wearing sunglasses and a stylish leather jacket, a shy girl with short green hair sitting with a book in her hands, a confident boy with silver hair and a sword strapped to his back, and a mischievous creature that resembles a small dragon with big eyes and colorful scales. They are standing in a bustling cityscape at sunset, with neon signs illuminating the streets, cherry blossom trees lining the sidewalks, and soft clouds painted in shades of orange and purple in the sky.

AI Photo

A vibrant anime scene featuring a diverse group of five original characters: a spirited girl with long, flowing pink hair and a magical wand, a cool boy with spiky blue hair wearing sunglasses and a stylish leather jacket, a shy girl with short green hair sitting with a book in her hands, a confident boy with silver hair and a sword strapped to his back, and a mischievous creature that resembles a small dragon with big eyes and colorful scales. They are standing in a bustling cityscape at sunset, with neon signs illuminating the streets, cherry blossom trees lining the sidewalks, and soft clouds painted in shades of orange and purple in the sky.