A mysterious, lantern-carrying pirate-adventurer, dressed in intricately embroidered leather armor, stands atop a mist-shrouded, ancient, stone bridge, gazing out at a rugged, golden sunset over a mystical, sprawling, dreamlike city with crumbling towers and turrets that blend seamlessly into the swirling, ethereal fog, with an enchanted companion, a massive, fiery dragon floating serenely by their side.

AI Photo

A mysterious, lantern-carrying pirate-adventurer, dressed in intricately embroidered leather armor, stands atop a mist-shrouded, ancient, stone bridge, gazing out at a rugged, golden sunset over a mystical, sprawling, dreamlike city with crumbling towers and turrets that blend seamlessly into the swirling, ethereal fog, with an enchanted companion, a massive, fiery dragon floating serenely by their side.