A group of six cartoon-style anthropomorphic characters from different video game franchises standing on a misty, moonlit mountain peak, with iconic medieval-style helmets and armor, the one in the center has a light sword and shield, the one on the left has a bow and quiver full of arrows, the one on the right has a massive greataxe, the one behind them has a pair of steam-powered gauntlets, the one in the back has a spiky spiked shield and a scimitar, and the one on the front has a robotic arm and a trusty shield in front of them

AI Photo

A group of six cartoon-style anthropomorphic characters from different video game franchises standing on a misty, moonlit mountain peak, with iconic medieval-style helmets and armor, the one in the center has a light sword and shield, the one on the left has a bow and quiver full of arrows, the one on the right has a massive greataxe, the one behind them has a pair of steam-powered gauntlets, the one in the back has a spiky spiked shield and a scimitar, and the one on the front has a robotic arm and a trusty shield in front of them