The futuristic space station orbiting a distant planet, surrounded by a halo of shimmering purple crystals, with six spherical modules protruding from the main body containing lush, iridescent algae gardens and a population of humanoid robots that are tending to the plants as they slowly ascend to the top of the structure, comprised of triangular flags from various planets with holographic light displays and topped with a glowing crystal spire that is rapidly increasing in size and energy output.

AI Photo

The futuristic space station orbiting a distant planet, surrounded by a halo of shimmering purple crystals, with six spherical modules protruding from the main body containing lush, iridescent algae gardens and a population of humanoid robots that are tending to the plants as they slowly ascend to the top of the structure, comprised of triangular flags from various planets with holographic light displays and topped with a glowing crystal spire that is rapidly increasing in size and energy output.