A lavish bouquet featuring a mix of exotic flowers such as orchids, peonies, and roses in rich jewel tones like deep purple, vibrant orange, and soft pink. The arrangement should be elegantly presented in an ornate, gold-trimmed vase adorned with intricate patterns. Soft, diffused lighting highlights the petals' textures and a subtle shimmer on the vase, set against a blurred background of an opulent room with plush fabrics and elegant decor.

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A lavish bouquet featuring a mix of exotic flowers such as orchids, peonies, and roses in rich jewel tones like deep purple, vibrant orange, and soft pink. The arrangement should be elegantly presented in an ornate, gold-trimmed vase adorned with intricate patterns. Soft, diffused lighting highlights the petals' textures and a subtle shimmer on the vase, set against a blurred background of an opulent room with plush fabrics and elegant decor.