A colorful, animated vehicle with a large smile on its face, designed to resemble a cross between a submarine and a hot air balloon, with Inflate-able tires and multiple propellers, sporting a shiny blue and yellow checkered exterior and a giant propeller on the side, parked on a sunny beach with palm trees and a few seagulls flying in the background, and the vehicle has a jaunty sail and a outrigger shaped like a giant banana.

AI Photo

A colorful, animated vehicle with a large smile on its face, designed to resemble a cross between a submarine and a hot air balloon, with Inflate-able tires and multiple propellers, sporting a shiny blue and yellow checkered exterior and a giant propeller on the side, parked on a sunny beach with palm trees and a few seagulls flying in the background, and the vehicle has a jaunty sail and a outrigger shaped like a giant banana.