A dark, gothic-themed wallpaper featuring an intricate pattern of various skulls interwoven with swirling vines and roses. The skulls range in size and style, some adorned with ornate crowns or tribal markings, all set against a rich black background. Subtle hints of deep red and metallic gold highlight the details, giving the design a sense of depth and luxury. The scene is atmospheric, with a soft, misty aura surrounding the skulls, creating a mysterious and alluring effect.

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A dark, gothic-themed wallpaper featuring an intricate pattern of various skulls interwoven with swirling vines and roses. The skulls range in size and style, some adorned with ornate crowns or tribal markings, all set against a rich black background. Subtle hints of deep red and metallic gold highlight the details, giving the design a sense of depth and luxury. The scene is atmospheric, with a soft, misty aura surrounding the skulls, creating a mysterious and alluring effect.