An old, snowy village nestled in the heart of a dense forest, surrounded by tall fir trees with snow-covered rooftops, twinkling fairy lights, and intricately carved wooden houses, with a frozen frozen pond in the foreground, complete with a small ice rink and a frozen fountain, under a bright, blue, starry night sky with a crescent moon, a red apple orchard in the background, and a horse-drawn carriage with a flame-patterned blanket waiting patiently in front of the village inn.

AI Photo

An old, snowy village nestled in the heart of a dense forest, surrounded by tall fir trees with snow-covered rooftops, twinkling fairy lights, and intricately carved wooden houses, with a frozen frozen pond in the foreground, complete with a small ice rink and a frozen fountain, under a bright, blue, starry night sky with a crescent moon, a red apple orchard in the background, and a horse-drawn carriage with a flame-patterned blanket waiting patiently in front of the village inn.