A bouquet of lilies, placed elegantly on a ornate, crystal champagne flute, surrounded by a bed of velvety black flowers, set against the backdrop of a lavish, embroidered silk backdrop in a rich, jewel-toned red, atop a fine, antique, hand-painted wooden pedestal, with a dozen sparkling diamonds studing a delicate, hand-blown glass flacon, shattering into a kaleidoscope of colors, rising gently upwards, in a warm, and soft golden light.

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A bouquet of lilies, placed elegantly on a ornate, crystal champagne flute, surrounded by a bed of velvety black flowers, set against the backdrop of a lavish, embroidered silk backdrop in a rich, jewel-toned red, atop a fine, antique, hand-painted wooden pedestal, with a dozen sparkling diamonds studing a delicate, hand-blown glass flacon, shattering into a kaleidoscope of colors, rising gently upwards, in a warm, and soft golden light.