A serene lavender field under a tranquil, overcast sky with soft, white clouds and subtle golden light, with tall, delicate lavender flowers swaying gently in the breeze, and a few stray petals falling softly to the soft, green grass below, with a few small rocks and a old lumber fence in the distance, and a few birds flying overhead, with subtle reflections of the scene in a small, tranquil pond in the distance.

AI Photo

A serene lavender field under a tranquil, overcast sky with soft, white clouds and subtle golden light, with tall, delicate lavender flowers swaying gently in the breeze, and a few stray petals falling softly to the soft, green grass below, with a few small rocks and a old lumber fence in the distance, and a few birds flying overhead, with subtle reflections of the scene in a small, tranquil pond in the distance.