Create an opulent bouquet composed of an assortment of rare and exotic flowers, including deep crimson roses, vibrant orchids, and delicate peonies, all elegantly arranged in a luxurious crystal vase. The bouquet should be adorned with sparkling rhinestones and lush green foliage, set against a backdrop of rich, velvety fabric in shades of gold and deep red, with soft, ambient lighting that highlights the intricate details of each flower.

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Create an opulent bouquet composed of an assortment of rare and exotic flowers, including deep crimson roses, vibrant orchids, and delicate peonies, all elegantly arranged in a luxurious crystal vase. The bouquet should be adorned with sparkling rhinestones and lush green foliage, set against a backdrop of rich, velvety fabric in shades of gold and deep red, with soft, ambient lighting that highlights the intricate details of each flower.