Create an enchanting scene featuring a whimsical fairy tale forest where iconic Disney characters come to life. In the foreground, a joyful Mickey Mouse is playfully interacting with a curious Bambi while a graceful Tinkerbell flits about, leaving a trail of sparkling pixie dust. In the background, a majestic castle reminiscent of Cinderella's, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers, towers under a clear blue sky. Brightly colored birds and butterflies flutter through the scene, adding to the magical atmosphere. The sunlight filters through the trees, creating enchanting light patterns on the forest floor.

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Create an enchanting scene featuring a whimsical fairy tale forest where iconic Disney characters come to life. In the foreground, a joyful Mickey Mouse is playfully interacting with a curious Bambi while a graceful Tinkerbell flits about, leaving a trail of sparkling pixie dust. In the background, a majestic castle reminiscent of Cinderella's, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers, towers under a clear blue sky. Brightly colored birds and butterflies flutter through the scene, adding to the magical atmosphere. The sunlight filters through the trees, creating enchanting light patterns on the forest floor.