Create an enchanting forest scene inspired by classic Disney animation, featuring whimsical, anthropomorphic animals like a wise owl wearing glasses, a cheerful rabbit playing a small flute, and a curious fox peeking from behind a tree. The background should showcase vibrant, oversized mushrooms, sparkling sunlight filtering through lush, green leaves, and a crystal-clear stream that reflects the magical ambiance of the forest. In the distance, a charming cottage can be seen, with smoke gently rising from the chimney and colorful flowers adorning the garden. Include hints of fairy lights twinkling among the branches to enhance the magical feel.

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Create an enchanting forest scene inspired by classic Disney animation, featuring whimsical, anthropomorphic animals like a wise owl wearing glasses, a cheerful rabbit playing a small flute, and a curious fox peeking from behind a tree. The background should showcase vibrant, oversized mushrooms, sparkling sunlight filtering through lush, green leaves, and a crystal-clear stream that reflects the magical ambiance of the forest. In the distance, a charming cottage can be seen, with smoke gently rising from the chimney and colorful flowers adorning the garden. Include hints of fairy lights twinkling among the branches to enhance the magical feel.