Create an enchanting scene set in a magical Disney forest, featuring a vibrant, colorful landscape with towering trees sparkling with fairy lights. In the foreground, a charming castle peeks through the foliage, adorned with whimsical turrets and banners. Various beloved Disney characters, such as Mickey Mouse and Cinderella, are gathered together for a joyful celebration, surrounded by animated woodland creatures like rabbits and birds. Above them, a sky filled with twinkling stars and a glowing full moon casts a soft, warm light over the scene, enhancing the magical atmosphere.

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Create an enchanting scene set in a magical Disney forest, featuring a vibrant, colorful landscape with towering trees sparkling with fairy lights. In the foreground, a charming castle peeks through the foliage, adorned with whimsical turrets and banners. Various beloved Disney characters, such as Mickey Mouse and Cinderella, are gathered together for a joyful celebration, surrounded by animated woodland creatures like rabbits and birds. Above them, a sky filled with twinkling stars and a glowing full moon casts a soft, warm light over the scene, enhancing the magical atmosphere.